Thursday, December 9, 2021

cucumber infomtion

Cucumber is a vine plant from south east asia. Usually cucumbers grow in around 50 days.

Cucumber are a fruit China grows over 56m tons of cucumber.

Cucumber is used a lot in Chinese cooking.

Over 86% of the world like cucumbers and cucumbers originate from south east asia.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

line art

I learned how to create line art. Line art is art that is made lines.

First I made a line that was 20 boxes tall vertically. Then I drew a line horizontally that was 10 boxes. I skipped count to do this art. For an example 20 goes to 1, 18 goes to 2, 16 goes to 3.

Next I made a plus sign it looks like it is curved but everything is a line.

Last I made a square that looks like a diamond in the middle.

I learned a lot about Iine art I think I could have made better art.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Planting Plants

follow these instructions to plant a cucumber seed

watch out for a bacteria that is called legionella longbeachae because if you breathe it. it could cause death


1. Trowl

2. Soil

3. Gloves and Mask

4. Planter box

5. Water


1. Put on safety gear

2. Put soil in Planter Box

3. Make a little hole with your finger

4. Plant your seed in the hole

5. Cover the hole 

6. Water it

7. Last put it next to the sun light

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Party Popper

My group Toy Designers, made a party popper prototype

In the beginning my group first opened a google sheet my group and I wrote all the things that we needed for example we wrote a cup, dice, and tooth pick when wrote all the thing we needed.

Later we made the party popper by making a hole in the cup and put the rubber band through the hole when we did that we wrapped the rubber band around the dice.

In the end we tested every filling we chose because it was the best at coming out and it looked cool.

I think we did very good but I think we could do better I would like to have made more party poppers for everyone.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Table mat

I finished a table mat activity using skiming and scanning.

Skimming is like a air plane and scanning is like a helicopter.

These two tools are very good to use when you are read a text or a page.

We did a table mat and we used skimming and scanning.

My group did a table mat on Peter Jackson here are two facts about him they are Peter Jackson first movie was in 1987 and he was born on 1961.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


In partnership with our community our values are condensed down to CARE.


We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and share our learning with others, we are focused on our futured.


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and respect of all the people in our community and take care of our environment.

Excellence and innovation 

We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas, and think about our learning.

These values are important because this values keep people social, safe, caring and many more.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Today I tested my balance with sport equipments.
I first used the rugby ball had to throw the ball on one leg
I found this task hard because when I throw the ball I would keep moving.

Next when I was done using the rugby ball I moved to the hockey stick.
It was the easiest because didn't need to move a lot.

After using the hockey stick I used the frisbee this was also easy because you one leg and you have to catch and throw the frisbee. but it was a little hard because it was hard to catch and throw.
After the frisbee I used the basketball I think that this is the hardest it was hard because the ball was hard to bounce and throw.
Lastly we did the netball. it was easy because the ball was really light this make the ball move fast.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


We filmed videos showing manners.

Manners are things that you do that show kindness.

We should use manner's every where even in your house.

This videos show eye contact, thank you, wellcome, and sharing

Think this activity was hard because we had to keep resetting the videos.

Simple Machines

We found six simple machines in our school.

These simple machine's are.

inclined plane, wedge, lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 We did Balancing in our environment. Balancing is when you can stay still and not move.

We first went to a bench and everyone balanced.

At the end I was holding mason's foot and max was holding his foot as well and miley was holding mason's back.

I think that I should have been holding mason's back.


 I learnt Maori.

Tenei means here

Tena means there

Tera means over there

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


Group B went to the hall to learn about balance.

First I had to balance on the floor and my partner pushed me. l had to put my head up and my partner pushed me and I tryed to balance. I had to put my head down and my balance was better.

Next we got into a group and we had to Cross a beam. our plan was that 1 person was hanging and 2 more were holding on.

The next activity was that we had to balance on a ball. We got in a group of three and one person was on the ball and the other two people were holding on the person.

I think this activity was easy because I was able gto balance and not fall over.

Simple Machines

Simple Machines help people move objects everyday.

There are 6 Simple Machines:

Incline Plane, Lever, Wedge, Wheel and axle, Screw, Pulley.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Making Connections

Making Connections is connecting things that have similarities. They're are text to self, text to text, and text to world. 

The text of self is connecting the texet to your self for example the duck tricked the rat and said she had a sister to get the rat stuck and I trick my mum and say that I finished my work so I can watch These connect because the duck tricked the rat and I tricked my mum to watch TV

Text to text comparing a book to book for example the duck was going to be eaten but she said to the rat that her sister had a lot of food. In little red riding hood the wolf tricks the girl and dress's as her grandma to eat her. These connect because both the duck and little red were going to be eaten.

Text to world is comparing a book to the world like at the end of the book the duck gave the food back to the other animal's because it was the right thing to do and in the world people give food to the people in need.

Using text to self, text to text, and text to world are easy to use because text to self is comparing a book and real life text to text is comparing a book to book and text to world is comparing a book to the world

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Multipilcation is a fast way of adding the same number many times. the three, four and six times tables are examples of multipilcation

The three times tables are multiplying three by a number of groups. The four times tables are multiplying four by a number of groups. The six times tables are multiplying six by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multipilcation equations. the next times table to learn are 7, 8, 9.


Marc is an inspirational speaker. He had a very tough life. He could not read before he went to jail.

While Marc was in jail there was a teacher who taught him how to read so when he got out of jail he had a School Certificate and a Diploma in Business.

After that Marc got a job as a builder and eventually got his own business. and now he manages the largest Bunnings in New Zealand which is in Hamilton.

When he had done all that he decided to go back to university to become a counsellor and he graduated.

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Multipilcation is a fast way of adding the same number many times. the two, five and ten times tables are examples of multipilcation

The two times tables are multiplying two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multiplying five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multiplying ten by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multipilcation equations. The next times tables to learn are the three four and six times table. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Fact or Opinion

This week I did a activity called fact or opinion.
first mr ogilvie read a book to us called the highway rat. we had to choose four
fact about the characters and write adjectives about the characters I think this was hard but the last one was the hardest to me.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Visualisation - Highway Rat

 Visualisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understand what we read.

Highway Rat is about a Rat who is greedy and steals everyones food. He learns a lesson and everyone lives happily.

My Visualisation is different to others because properly I thought that the rat lives in the highway but he lives in the dessert.

We have different Visualisation because my friend drew a rat in the dessert with a horse and mine was a rat with no horse on the highway.

Place Value and Saying Numbers

 Place Value ia a System that groups numbers based on their sizes.

The position of a digit determins its value. When we say numbers we group then with in the same house. For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, Seven hundreds and nine ones.

Understanding oue base 10 Place Value System allows us to pronaunce big numbers properly. It also allow us to identify numbers before and after.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

SSR Selfle

 I read 22 pages of Diary of the wimpy kid hard luck by Jeff kinney

in the first page of the book it show the life of greg it tell you that some times the whole family use the bathroom at once

but it gets even worse because his friend get a girlfirend and it brakes the firendship

Print Design Rules

 I learned about the print design rules.

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the print design colour, layout, text, composition.

Next, I figured out which poster were good and bad with my partners.

Last I reorganised a poster to make it look good.

I learned a lot from Print Design Rules like if something is touching the edge it won't print.


I completed a can-do task called prototec.

My score was 34 out of 60.

I need to learn the addition facts to one hundred. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


I learned how to write the alphabet number and symbols properly.

I watched a video to show neat handwriting. I wrote the characters neatly into my writing book.

I need to fix my e, m, w because my e was too big, m was curvy, and w was curvy as well. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

SSR selfie - Dairy of the wimpy kid hard luck

 I read 18 pages about a book called Dairy of the Wimpy Kid.

It is a made up story of a two or three kids life.

at the start there are two friends Greg and Rowley. Rowley get a girlfriend the girlfriend name is Abigail and it ruins the friendship.

I like Greg because he trys to make Rowley and Abigail break up.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Basic Facts

I created a basic facts chart using Google Sheets. 

Next me and my partner started by finding number bond and double's.

Next I created a chart by using spreadsheet shortcut like copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) and selection dragging to quickly fill in the repeated information.

This task was very hard because I have never done this

LI: To learn about number bonds and doubles.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

About Me 2021

 Kia ora. 

My name is Aliyan. I am Afghani. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy reading at school and at home I like playing drifting games on my mum's phone. 

Insect Art


This week we made an insect with nature I used a rock, grass, leaf, and a flower 
I used the leaf and connected them. Then we got the circle leaf and connected them as well.
Then I put two small pieces of grass for the legs. Then I put the rock as the head and. The flower as the eyes.