Thursday, February 25, 2021

SSR selfie - Dairy of the wimpy kid hard luck

 I read 18 pages about a book called Dairy of the Wimpy Kid.

It is a made up story of a two or three kids life.

at the start there are two friends Greg and Rowley. Rowley get a girlfriend the girlfriend name is Abigail and it ruins the friendship.

I like Greg because he trys to make Rowley and Abigail break up.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Basic Facts

I created a basic facts chart using Google Sheets. 

Next me and my partner started by finding number bond and double's.

Next I created a chart by using spreadsheet shortcut like copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) and selection dragging to quickly fill in the repeated information.

This task was very hard because I have never done this

LI: To learn about number bonds and doubles.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

About Me 2021

 Kia ora. 

My name is Aliyan. I am Afghani. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy reading at school and at home I like playing drifting games on my mum's phone. 

Insect Art


This week we made an insect with nature I used a rock, grass, leaf, and a flower 
I used the leaf and connected them. Then we got the circle leaf and connected them as well.
Then I put two small pieces of grass for the legs. Then I put the rock as the head and. The flower as the eyes.